Sister paper are to lose weight, you will definitely lose weight eating salad and taking 2 days diet pills to help you lose weight effective. In fact, calorie salad is even higher than you think, oh. If you want to lose weight eating salad, then mastered these three major principles it:
Salad trap?!
Heat a plateful of lettuce only 90 cards, less than one-third of a bowl of rice calories. But behind this green salad, a huge but hidden calories and fat, people accidentally inadvertently trap yo! Salad main source of calories in that sauce, Thousand Island dressing poured have 67 cards, if a salad topped with two scoop on the disc, it means eat half-bowl too heat, but the rice will make you satisfied, but not salad dressing; most people most points Caesar salad had 50 grams of fat, 650 calories card, more than a steak. Thus the girls know in the end how many calories eating it ~
There are potato, macaroni salad are a lot of salad dressing mix, in fact, not low calorie. Half a cup of potato salad to eat very little sense, but there are 180 calories card, more than half-bowl too. Most people do not wary of fruit salad, a fruit salad muddy I do not know heat as high as 200 cards, according to this read on, not even the salads have become a diet list?!
Colorful is the best choice
Green, red, yellow, salad plate is always filled with colors of the vegetables, in fact, color-rich vegetables contain anti-cancer phytochemicals, so as to make fun of some dish, the most important thing, do not forget lettuce lettuce these wonderful foods yo ~
Adding a small amount of fruit seeds
Embellishment seeds or nuts Yes, although they are hidden high-fat foods, like two spoons of sunflower seeds have 95 cards, but they also contain heart-healthy fiber and vitamin E, can eat a little embellishment, not quantity eating too much can help health.
Salad trap?!
Heat a plateful of lettuce only 90 cards, less than one-third of a bowl of rice calories. But behind this green salad, a huge but hidden calories and fat, people accidentally inadvertently trap yo! Salad main source of calories in that sauce, Thousand Island dressing poured have 67 cards, if a salad topped with two scoop on the disc, it means eat half-bowl too heat, but the rice will make you satisfied, but not salad dressing; most people most points Caesar salad had 50 grams of fat, 650 calories card, more than a steak. Thus the girls know in the end how many calories eating it ~
There are potato, macaroni salad are a lot of salad dressing mix, in fact, not low calorie. Half a cup of potato salad to eat very little sense, but there are 180 calories card, more than half-bowl too. Most people do not wary of fruit salad, a fruit salad muddy I do not know heat as high as 200 cards, according to this read on, not even the salads have become a diet list?!
Colorful is the best choice
Green, red, yellow, salad plate is always filled with colors of the vegetables, in fact, color-rich vegetables contain anti-cancer phytochemicals, so as to make fun of some dish, the most important thing, do not forget lettuce lettuce these wonderful foods yo ~
Adding a small amount of fruit seeds
Embellishment seeds or nuts Yes, although they are hidden high-fat foods, like two spoons of sunflower seeds have 95 cards, but they also contain heart-healthy fiber and vitamin E, can eat a little embellishment, not quantity eating too much can help health.